Monday, 31 January 2011

this is my album cover for billy joel, the strangers, i took the photos on an open feild near a farm land area. i think the effect works well because its at night which makes the cover appear more misterious which is the theme i wanted to create, 'strangers'
This process was taken in the studio at college, we used the beauty light to highlight cheek bones. we put the light on one side of the face so the other side was in the shadow.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Monday, 17 January 2011

one of our projects was to design and album cover, the album i chose to create is billy joels, 'strangers'. My idea was to do a photo shoot in a forest near where i live, i am then going to get a friend to model for me in plain clothes and stand far away from the camera so that it appears as though a strange person is in the distance, i chose to use a forest as my location because i think forests are where alot of strange things happen. On photoshop i will edit all th colouring and contrasts to create a gloomy 'scary' effect.

Monday, 10 January 2011

during a lesson in class we had to create a mixed media picture. we layered and desaturatated the image and printed it out and coloured it in, we then scanned it back onto the computer and put the picture over the original photo to create a ayered/ overlapped effect. i liked the process because i enjoy art and colouring in the picture, although i enjoyed it i didnt really like the end result because i wouldnt use this techique in the future.